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Tips of Handling Marital Challenges

Saturday , 14, May 2022 Comments Off on Tips of Handling Marital Challenges

Always make your prayer to God, and endeavor to seek His face for divine wisdom, divine guidance, grace, and strength to manage the marital challenges that you may encounter as a married woman. Meditate and carry out an in-depth study on the word of God and learn from other married women in the Bible.

Try all your best to read good books from experienced and trusted married counselors. Do not yield to pressures to seek help in questionable places for your marriage. Don't be selfish, always make sure you consider your partner's feelings and interact in all things. If you have marital issues then you can fix a counseling with an expert at

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Make a discussion and agree with him on issues that relate to personal ambitions and preferences. You must not try to change your husband or try to force anything whatsoever on him to carry out. Don't allow any person however close or special to you to interface with the sanctity and progress of your marriage, make your partner your best friend, confidant, and companion.

Do not allow your profession and career to separate and distance you from your husband or family. Whatever you're level of achievement in any aspect of life remain humble and submissive.

As a woman be industrious, and keep your house clean, tidy, and inviting. Don't depend on your house help to do every homework or chore for you while you lay your beg on the stool and watch TV.