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The Ultimate Guide To Construction Project Management

Saturday , 13, March 2021 Comments Off on The Ultimate Guide To Construction Project Management

In short, construction project management is a process of managing construction projects. While project management is usually defined as the management of resources throughout the project life cycle through various tools and methods to control scope, quality,  cost, time, etc. 

Commercial construction project management can interact with a wide variety of disciplines throughout the project life cycle, from architecture to engineering to public works and urban planning.

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Types of construction projects

There are several types of construction projects depending on different construction sectors. Depending on the industry, there can be up to four different types of projects:

-Housing construction and improvement

-Heavy industrial construction

-Commercial and institutional arrangements

-Civil Engineering

This means that there are many types of construction projects whose construction management must be successful. Construction management may be required for modest houses to large bridges, from dam construction engineering to airport seismic modernization projects.

The construction project manager then manages the start and end of project construction, often on-site, to ensure safe and successful construction.

Construction project management requires a wide range of skills, as well as the ability to interact with a wide variety of agencies and people, to take a project from concept to construction. It is important for the construction project manager to follow the principles of project management at every stage of the project.