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Property Taxes on Real Estate – The Basics

Friday , 18, June 2021 Comments Off on Property Taxes on Real Estate – The Basics

Death and taxes are certain, true. Homeowners will always face taxes on the value of their property. This is the chief revenue source for local governments to fund services.  

But as an expense that can run into thousands of dollars every year, it behooves every homeowner, whether a long-time owner or brand new first-timer, to understand some basic information about property taxes. You can also hire the best Property Tax Consultant near me via

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Things we should know about

First, when you purchase a property, do your research. Visit the county property appraiser's office in person or online and research the property's tax bill history.  

Ask questions of the seller and his real estate agent – is the property on or near an area that is soon to be rezoned into more expensive land?  

Agriculture going to industrial? Residential multi-use going commercial?  If the property's value goes up sharply so will the tax assessment.

Find out how many tax bills the property is subject to.  In some areas, the city and county both tax you, and sometimes schools or municipal water systems or other plants have taxing authority as well!

Improvements you make to the property that increase value are probably going to increase the tax-assessed value as well.  

Don't forget that property taxes are usually deductible from income on state and federal tax returns! Consult your professional tax advisor and financial planner to best structure your real estate investments.