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Nassau County, NY Residents: How to Address Raccoon Intrusions with Humane Solutions

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Living in Nassau County, New York, you may have encountered the issue of raccoons intruding on your property. While these creatures are a common sight in the area, it's important to address raccoon intrusions in a humane way that ensures the safety of both your family and the animals. In this guide, we will provide you with effective and humane solutions to deal with raccoons on your property in Nassau County.

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Understanding Raccoon Behavior

Raccoons are intelligent and adaptable creatures that are known to seek out food and shelter in residential areas. Understanding their behavior can help you address raccoon intrusions more effectively. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Raccoons are Nocturnal

  • Raccoons are primarily active at night, so you are more likely to encounter them during the evening and early morning hours.

Raccoons are Opportunistic Eaters

  • Raccoons will eat almost anything, including garbage, pet food, and garden produce. Securing your trash cans and removing potential food sources can help deter raccoons from your property.

Humane Solutions for Raccoon Intrusions

When dealing with raccoons on your property, it's important to choose humane solutions that do not harm the animals. Here are some effective ways to address raccoon intrusions while ensuring the safety and well-being of the creatures:

1. Remove Food Sources

  • Secure your trash cans with tight-fitting lids to prevent raccoons from accessing garbage.
  • Avoid leaving pet food outside overnight, as this can attract raccoons.
  • Harvest ripe fruits and vegetables promptly to prevent raccoons from feasting on your garden produce.

2. Seal Entry Points

  • Inspect your property for any potential entry points, such as holes in the roof or gaps in the foundation.
  • Seal off entry points with sturdy materials like wire mesh or metal flashing to prevent raccoons from getting inside your home or attic.

3. Use Deterrents

  • Install motion-activated lights or sprinkler systems to scare away raccoons when they approach your property.
  • Place ammonia-soaked rags or commercial raccoon deterrents near entry points to discourage raccoons from coming near your home.

4. Employ Humane Trapping

  • If all else fails, you can use humane traps to capture raccoons and release them in a suitable habitat away from residential areas.
  • Make sure to check local regulations and guidelines before trapping and relocating raccoons.

Seeking Professional Assistance

If you are facing persistent raccoon intrusions on your property in Nassau County and are unsure of how to handle the situation, it may be best to seek professional assistance. Wildlife control experts can provide you with the necessary expertise and resources to address raccoon intrusions effectively and humanely. Here are some reasons to consider hiring a professional:

Experience and Expertise

  • Wildlife control professionals have the knowledge and experience to safely and effectively handle raccoon intrusions.
  • They can assess the situation on your property and recommend the most appropriate course of action.

Humane Solutions

  • Professional wildlife control services prioritize humane solutions when dealing with raccoon intrusions, ensuring the well-being of both the animals and your family.

By following these humane solutions and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can effectively address raccoon intrusions on your property in Nassau County, NY, while promoting coexistence with local wildlife.