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Group Fitness Classes in New Jersey for Weight Loss

Monday , 28, March 2022 Comments Off on Group Fitness Classes in New Jersey for Weight Loss

Exercise should be about having fun moving your body in the way it was designed to move. It seems that exercise has become a negative word in today's society. Too many times have I been lecturing to a group of students or adults and when I mention exercise they cringe.

This should be exciting if I recall in grade school we couldn't wait to go outside for recess it was our favorite part of the day. Now we work, work, work, go home and do more work, then sit down on the couch. We have taken the activity out of our day. Even in schools, they are cutting back on physical education at a time when the country is at its worst in terms of disease and sickness related to sedentary lifestyles.

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Group Exercise

Group exercise is a fantastic way to get together and have some grown-up recess time. Make sure you do your research in your local newspaper, visit the parks and recreation website, or pop in at your local YMCA to get an idea of the classes and times they offer them. Make sure that you chose a class that meets two to three times a week.

If you are a beginner to fitness make sure the class is not too advanced you can work your way up. The last thing you want to do is take a class that is very difficult and get discouraged. Show up a few minutes before class or hang back a few minutes after class and introduce yourself to the instructor, many times the instructors are also fitness trainers that can give you some great advice one on one.