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Best Automated Locks For Your Home

Friday , 30, September 2022 Comments Off on Best Automated Locks For Your Home

Automated Lock Doors are a great way to keep your business safe and secure. These doors open automatically when the correct code is entered, preventing unauthorized access. They are available in both standard and security doors, making them perfect for any business. Mobile automated lock doors. They are also a great way to keep your customers safe and secure. These doors can open when they are detected nearby, preventing the potential of theft or loss.

In this blog here we are discussing the four most common types of automated door locks:-

1. Pulse Activated Door Locks: These locks are activated by a pulse from a keypad or remote control. They are usually used in businesses where people need to enter through a secure door quickly, such as banks or hospitals. 

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2. Keyless Entry Systems: These locks use RFID (radio frequency identification) tags to identify the owner of the lock. Once the tag is scanned, the system will allow the user to open the door without having to enter their PIN code. 

3. Smart Card Locks: These locks use a smart card that is inserted into the lock when it is installed. The card contains information about the owner, such as their name and address. When the card is inserted into the lock, it will automatically unlock the door. 

4. Magnetic Locks: These locks use a magnet that can pull on the door to open it. When the door is closed, the magnet will be pushed back by a magnetic plate that rests in the lock hole. The plate prevents someone from opening the door while they are holding or wearing something metallic near it, such as a key ring or bracelet.