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What Is It Terrazzo Flooring?

Wednesday , 16, March 2022 Comments Off on What Is It Terrazzo Flooring?

This is a flooring technique, which produces a durable and interesting floor that is easy floor to maintain. Although it’s easy to maintain you have to immediately clean the spill to minimize damage to the floor. Terrazzo floors are made using pieces of stone or marble chips. This is an excellent choice for various decoration schemes.

When choosing a Terrazzo floor for your home, it is made in your home in the room you choose for this type of floor instead of being prepared elsewhere and then installed at home. You can contact us today for purchasing the terrazzo tiles for your house and office.

 The flooring company will smooth the wet cement and then they will instill a surface with colorful marble and stone chips. At this time the chip can be carefully placed in place after a certain design or done in free form. The part of the beauty of the terrazzo floor is you can use as many marble or stone pieces as you want.

After chips there, they will take a shovel and other tools to make the surface as smooth as possible. Smoothing done now doesn’t have to be right. The goal at this time is to ensure that the marble chip and rock are strong before the concrete has been set.

In today’s floor shops you can get a specially designed terrazzo tile so you can put the existing floor without removing it. This is a process that is done similar to the way you install linoleum tiles. The only drawback to this tile is that the design style is more limited than doing it freely.