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What Are The Benefits Of A Picc Line?

Friday , 29, July 2022 Comments Off on What Are The Benefits Of A Picc Line?

A PICC line is a long, thin tube that is inserted through a vein in the arm and into the heart or lungs. It is used to give patients intravenous (IV) treatment, such as antibiotics or blood transfusions.

A PICC line can be a lifesaving device for people with serious illnesses. To know more about the PICC insertion, you can browse here.

Here are few things to know about PICC lines:

  1. A PICC line is often the only way to give IV treatment to patients who are critically ill or have sepsis (a condition caused by infection).

  2. A PICC line can cause chest pain, shortness of breath, and other symptoms if it becomes infected. If these symptoms occur, contact your doctor immediately.

  3. A PICC line can also cause infections in other parts of the body if it enters through a wound or breaks open in the skin. 

When a patient requires a long-term intravenous (IV) infusion, they may be given a peripheral intravenous cannula (PICC line). A PICC line is a short, fat tube that is inserted through a vein in the arm and threaded under the skin to the larger veins near the heart. There are several benefits to using a PICC line over traditional IVs.

First, because the PICC line is shorter than other IVs, it can be placed more easily in difficult-to-reach locations. This makes it ideal for patients who are bedridden or have mobility issues. 

Additionally, because the PICC line is inserted through a vein near the heart, it is less likely to cause infection than other IVs.