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The Benefits Of Having A Pool Lift

Wednesday , 16, March 2022 Comments Off on The Benefits Of Having A Pool Lift

Swimming pools are outstanding recreational areas, but it is important to remember that not everyone can enjoy them in the same way. While we may take the ability to swim in the deep end or leap off the high dive for granted, there are those who suffer from disabilities stemming from either injury, genetics, or some other unfortunate circumstance. 

Finding ways to get these people involved in swimming activities is vital, but it is not always practical. The obvious solution, however, is to make use of a handicapped pool lift. You can even read more about the benefits of pool lifts.

What is a Handicap Pool Lift?

A pool lift for handicapped people is a mechanized seat that is tasked with raising and lowering a disabled or injured person into a swimming pool. This seat usually features some type of restraint to keep the individual in question from leaving the seat voluntarily or from simply falling off.

Permanent Pool Lift: At certain pools, especially those at therapy centers a permanent pool lift can be installed on the edge of a concrete pool and will always be available. The downside to installing this type of structure, however, is that you will not be able to move it, and it may serve as a constant obstacle in the pool. 

Additionally, children who use the pool may tend to see it as a sort of play structure. That being the case, this would not be a good addition to a community pool that is constantly busy.

Portable Pool Lift: This type of pool lift is usually on wheels and utilizes a hydraulic system to raise and lower the seat. It can be placed anywhere around the pool, or it can be placed in storage in the event it is not being used. This makes the portable pool lift preferable for public pools or even pools that are used for competitive sports at some point.