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Program Your Machu Picchu Vacation By Planning A Small Group Tour

Thursday , 23, June 2022 Comments Off on Program Your Machu Picchu Vacation By Planning A Small Group Tour

A blog post explaining how to book a small group tour of Machu Picchu by planning ahead. Includes tips on what kind of tours are available, pre-travel planning and more!

Machu Picchu is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Peru. The Inca citadel was built in 1450 and is one of the most iconic tourist destinations in South America. If you're planning a Cusco and Machu Picchu  vacation, it's important to know what makes this place so special.

You can find a variety of accommodation options for your Machu Picchu vacation. If you're looking for a luxurious retreat, opt for a stay at one of the resort hotels in the area. However, if you're on a tighter budget, consider staying in hostels or camping grounds.  In addition to accommodation, there are a number of activities and attractions you can enjoy while staying in Machu Picchu. One option is to take a guided tour of the site.

Get organized before you leave home. Before you even think about packing your bags, make a list of the activities you would like to do while in Machu Picchu. This will help you narrow down which tours and accommodations to choose from. 

Finally, remember that Machu Picchu is a very large and complex site, so plan your time accordingly.