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Expert Advice On Recovery From Nose Surgery

Wednesday , 14, October 2020 Comments Off on Expert Advice On Recovery From Nose Surgery

The main reason people have nose jobs is to change the shape of the nose, improve breathing, or a combination of both. Apart from changing the appearance of the nose, this surgical procedure can increase the confidence of the person being operated on. 

Recently, nose jobs in San Francisco have become one of the most common cosmetic surgeries that men and women are looking for. There are many best rhinoplasty doctor In San Francisco who perform nose jobs. There are several steps you can take to reduce swelling after nose jobs:

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Get proper rest for the next few weeks after surgery, as any over-activity can worsen the swelling.

Remember to hold your head up every time you take a break. Your head should be as high as possible above your heart. Do this when you are sleeping

If you see extra tissue around the swollen area, try massaging it gently.

Continue to use ice packs regularly and click on photos every day for reference. This allows you to see changes that may not be visible to the naked eye.

Because every operation is different, so are the patients. Each patient is cured of the nose in a unique way. Some heal quickly, others heal slowly, the main thing is to follow your surgeon consistently and everything is sure to go well.