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All About Tea – Jasmine Tea

Wednesday , 4, August 2021 Comments Off on All About Tea – Jasmine Tea

When we go to a Chinese restaurant we usually order a pot of jasmine tea. It pairs well with the food and is refreshing to drink. Most restaurants serve a combination of black tea and jasmine tea and this combination is loved by everyone.

Pure jasmine tea is not just a tea. It’s an infusion. We use the word interchangeably but when making herbal preparations it’s best to be clear. Tea is a plant not a means of extraction. Confusion could cause difficulties. If you are a tea lover and searching for a tea restaurant then you can peek here.

Sunday at Serenity Serenity Tea House & Cafe

What’s it For? The restaurant version is a combination of food pairing and the actions of caffeine with the soothing effects of jasmine. As an herbal remedy, it is one of the strongest safe sedatives. The chemical constituents help to relax and encourage sleep.

Interactions: This is important because it can interact with other herbs, medications, and medical conditions. While an herbalist will sometimes pair jasmine with the following it is best to have it mixed for you and that you follow instructions.

Jasmine interacts with lavender, chamomile, and passionflower. All of these herbs, according to the University of Maryland School of Complementary medicine can cause some sedation. Mixing them makes the effect stronger.

This applies to all medications that can make you sleepy. Over-the-counter antihistamines, sleep aids, cold medication, and prescription drugs that cause sleepiness should not be mixed with jasmine unless the doctor and the pharmacist approve.